Describe the geography of Circle 7 of the violent sinners.

Crime and Punishment

1. Describe the geography of Circle 7 of the violent sinners.

2. Name the four (4) rivers of Hell and state the Circle in which each is located.

3. List at least four (4) mythological monsters in Hell and the “job” of each one.

4. Give one (1) example (refer to canto and lines) of Virgil’s protectiveness towards Dante.

5. For each of the kinds of sinners in each of the following evil-pouches of Circle 8, explain the sin and its punishment. Write full sentences.

#1 Panderers and seducers

#2 Flatterers

#3 Simonists

#4 Fortunetellers

#5 Barrators

#6 Hypocrites

#7 Thieves

6. Why does Dante consider flatterers, hypocrites, and thieves worse than mass murderers?

7. Name the 4 rings in Circle 9 and state the kind of betrayal that is being punished in each ring:





8. For extra credit, pick your favorite punishment from Circle 8 and state why you think the punishment “fits” the crime.